The National Physical Laboratory will work closely with the Catapult to develop metrology techniques that enable us to characterise the next generation of compound semiconductor devices and systems.
Compound semiconductors are at the heart of many of our future electronic devices. They provide a faster, more efficient and lighter form of technology than their predecessors, such as silicon, and will be a vital part of the devices that power our future.
Compound Semiconductor Applications Catapult is a partner in the £20m ESCAPE (End to End Supply Chain Development for Automotive Power Electronics) consortium which will produce game-changing technology supporting the drive for electrification in the UK and worldwide. CSA Catapult will also contribute to challenges identified by the UK Government’s Industrial and Innovation Strategies such as ageing societies, future of mobility, clean growth, Al and the data economy.
Since becoming fully operational, Compound Semiconductor Applications Catapult has established itself at the heart of the world’s first compound semiconductor cluster, building on £350m regional investments. It has led a consortium of industrial partners committing over £500m for the Industrial Strategy ‘Driving the Electric Revolution’ and has introduced four high-growth companies valued at over £200m to South Wales Trade and Invest.