Playing a pivotal role in the world’s first compound semiconductor cluster

Compound Semiconductor Applications Catapult plays a pivotal role in bringing industry and academia together to create the world’s first compound semiconductor cluster, CSconnected.
The consortium of 13 partners, including the Catapult, has turned South Wales into a world leading centre of excellence in compound semiconductor technologies.
CSconnected received a £25m investment through UKRI’s flagship Strength in Places Fund (2020-25) to further develop South Wales as a home to a compound semiconductor powerhouse and has developed collaborative research projects estimated to be worth more than £80 million in new partnerships and opportunities.
According to the Welsh Economy Research Unit the cluster contributed £277m GVA per annum to the Welsh economy, with 14% employment growth rate in 2021 despite the pandemic. Average salary levels are 60% above the Welsh average, and 25% of the workforce are engaged in RD&I.
CSconnected provides thought leadership, expertise and promotes the role of compound semiconductors as a key enabling technology.
The Catapult’s value add in CSconnected is unique – we rapidly build the complex supply chains and deliver vital expertise and infrastructure in evaluation and reliability testing services, some of which are not available anywhere else in the UK.
The initiative – and the Catapult – ensures the UK leads the world in the design and manufacturing of compound semiconductor technology.
Since 2015, the regional ecosystem has secured £700 million investment commitment for expansion in advanced semiconductor manufacturing, including significant contributions from the private sector.
CSconnected facilitates a talent pipeline that produces highly skilled, well-paid jobs, bringing social and economic benefits to South Wales.
…the Catapult played a pivotal role in securing £25m support for the expansion of the cluster from the UKRI Strength in Places Fund, by creating the linkages to critical UK supply chains.